4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl
Shreveport, LA

4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl

Date: Oct 28, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM

4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl

Saturday, October 28th @ 4:00 PM
Livestock Sale Arena

Saturday, October 28, 2023 @ 4:00 p.m.

Livestock Sale Arena - Louisiana State Fairgrounds

Register Form Below, Due by October 6, 2023
Send to: czak@agcenter.lsu.edu

  • A team will consist of a minimum of (3) members with a maximum of (5) members from the same parish.
    • There will be one division for all ages.
  • Teams will compete in head to head matches.
  • Matches will last until one team reaches 200 points or ten minutes or both. The contest will be set up in a tournament style format-single elimination.
  • Questions for the Quiz Bowl will come from Nutrition related subject matter provided by the Healthy Living Specialist.
  • NO study questions will be distributed.
  • Questions used will be provided by the Healthy Living 4-H Specialist.
  • Correct answers will receive 20 points, incorrect will receive minus 10.
  • Bonus questions will be provided to teams where at least 3 different members have answered a question correctly.
  • Team members may buzz in at any time, at which time the reader will stop reading the question. If the team answers incorrectly, the reader may complete the question for the other team at which time they can decide if they want to buzz in.
  • Teams must be registered, via email to Claire Zak at czak@agcenter.lsu.edu, by October 6, 2023.
  • State winning team receives $75, a team trophy, and individual team member trophies.
  • Second place team receives $25, a team trophy, and individual team member ribbons.
  • Third place team receives a team trophy and individual team member ribbons.
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4-H Nutrition Quiz Bowl Info


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